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Shaping the sphere with a linear line

Personal Acedemic Project
Instructor : Brandon Clifford
September 2012

Two-dimensional drawing evolves to a three-dimensional sphere. A line will progress, split and overlap. Those three actions will complete a circuit which becomes a primitive form of the sphere. While the circuit progress and split, 3d-Space moves upwards and downwards, constituting layers to make a form. In the end, the end point of line-sphere will meet the start point, and it becomes an endless loop. Since it is a prototype, the circuit has a possibility to develop or evolve depending on the size of the sphere itself. 

Study Model

One layer of sphere with the endpoint 

Final Model

Three layers of sphere, Endless


01 Progress
02 Split
03 Split or Progress
04 At the top of sphere, go down
05 Split or Progress
06 At the bottom of sphere, go up
07 When the inner sphere is too small, return
08 The end point and the start point meet. Fin.

Section 5

Plan level 3

Plan level 3

@2016 by Namjoo Kim | Architectural Designer | Proudly created with

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